Welcome to the Adventures of a Caffeinated Children's Librarian. My name is Jenni, also known as Miss Jen to the tiny humans. I am in my sweet 16th year of working as a children's librarian, but have been raised to be in this profession with a preschool teacher mom and an elementary art teacher grandma. I have become known around the library for being super energetic, filled with crazy ideas, and willing to try just about anything! These are stories of my adventures!
Thursday, June 29, 2017
The power of Pinterest
God, it's so true! I don't know where I would be without Pinterest! For starters, it makes me seem a heck of a lot more creative and crafty than I really am! I especially love that I can go down a programming rabbit hole and be able to save all these crazy, random ideas in a magical cloud instead of my overcrowded brain! What's really cool is that very often pins actually do get my creative juices flowing and I start spinning off with all new ideas and all around insanity! Pinterest is a magical invention for youth librarians, teachers, and parents everywhere.
Some of my favorite library related Pinterest pages:
Obviously I would have to choose the two pages that I started! 😀
I am a Family Place Libraries librarian meaning I was trained through the Family Place Training Institute in Centereach, NY. Check out their website www.familyplacelibraries.org for more info! There's lots of great information available through this site as well.
OMG! Jbrary is children's librarian crack! Seriously check them out immediately. They are magical unicorns! https://jbrary.com/
Oh so many of my Preschool STEAM Club ideas were inspired by this site.
Do you Pin? Does Pinterest complete you the way it completes me?
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Summer 2017 Music & Movement Preschoolers & Early Elementary 6-28-17
2017 Music & Movement
& Early Elementary
– 11:00 am
June 28, 2017
Opening Song: “Shakin’ It” (Track #9 Shakin’ It / Parachute Express)
Opening Rhyme: “We Clap and Sing Hello” (with
activity mats)
Yoga Activity: Good Morning
Yoga / Mariam Gates, illustrated by Sarah Jane Hinder
If You’re Happy and You
Know It Jungle Edition / James Warhola
“I Took a Bath in a Washing Machine” (Track #4 Jim Gill Sings the Sneezing Song and Other
Contagious Tunes” / Jim Gill)
Egg shakers song: “Hip Hop Body Rock” (Track #13
Rockin’ Red / Eric Litwin)
Cock-a-Doodle Dance / Christine
Scarves song: “Dancing Scarf Blues” (Track
#7 Dancing Feet / Carole Peterson)
Parachute song: “Merry-Go-Round” (Track #4 Playtime Parachute Fun)
Closing Song: “Boogaloo Song” (Track #6 Action! Fun! Dance! / The Learning
Goodbye Rhyme: “Open Shut Them”
The kids really loved this week's book choices. If You're Happy and You Know It Jungle Edition has been a good go-to book for my family storytimes for years. Music, fun, and animal sounds, what's not to love?
Summer 2017 Music & Movement Infants & Toddlers 6-28-17
2017 Music & Movement
& Toddlers
9:45 –
10:15 am
Week: June 28, 2017
Opening Song: “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)
Song: “Open Shut Them” (Track #13 Songs for Wiggleworms)
Song: “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (Track #6 Songs for Wiggleworms)
Yoga Activity: I Am
Yoga / Susan Verde, art by Peter H. Reynolds
Song: “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” (Track #1 Early Childhood Classics / Hap Palmer)
Twinkle Twinkle /
Jane Cabrera
Egg shakers song: “Shaker Hop” (Track #14 Dancing Feet / Carole Peterson)
Song: “Going on a Bear Hunt” (Track #17 Yummy Yellow / Eric Litwin)
Scarves song: “One Two Three Whee! (Track #4
Groovy Green / Eric Litwin)
Song: “Skinnamarink” (Track #24 The Elephant Show / Sharon, Lois and
Closing Song: “Goodbye” (Track #38 Songs for Wiggleworms)
This Jane Cabrera interpretation of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is definitely one of my absolute favorites. The illustrations are colorful, very appealing to kids, and adorable!
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Summer 2017 Preschool Storytime 6-27-17
2017 Preschool Storytime
June 27,
– 10:30 am
Opening Song: “When I Woke Up Today” (Track #9 Superhero / Laurie Berkner Band)
Feelings Game
Rhyme: “If You’re Ready for a Book”
Book: How to
Find a Friend / Maria S. Costa
Song: “Stick to the Glue” (Track #3 Jim Gill Makes It Noise in Boise)
Book: The
Pets You Get! / Adrian Reynolds and Thomas Taylor
Rhyme Activity: Eat the Alphabet with animal puppet “chef”
Song: “Shoo-Fly” (Track #1 Laurie Berkner’s Favorite Classic Kids Songs Disc Two)
Book: Xander’s
Panda Party / Linda Sue Park, illustrated by Matt Phelan
Song: “Shaker Hop” (Track #14 Dancing Feet / Carole Peterson)
Closing Song: “Happy Trails” (Track #21 Fisher Price Fun in the Sun disc 2)
Closing Rhyme: “Open Shut Them”
Xander's Panda Party is one of my favorite picture books! You can't go wrong with zoo animals and a fun party! I was so happy to be able to share it with the kids this morning. Our "Shoo-Fly" song was also a big success. I absolutely love, adore, and fangirl over Laurie Berkner. We did the song with scarves which the kiddos really enjoyed. It was a smaller group this morning (we're in the middle of vacation season after all), but we partied it up storytime style!
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