Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Fall 2017 Music & Movement Storytime: Weeks Twelve & Thirteen 11-22-17 & 11-29-17

Music & Movement is wrapping up for the Fall 2017 session.  The time has flown by!  It's been a great session, probably one of my favorites for this particular storytime.  The kids have been amazing.  Looking forward to January when we start our next session!

Fall 2017 Music & Movement Storytime
Week Twelve:  11-22-17

Opening Song:  “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” with ribbons (Track #2 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (Track #6 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Rhyme:  “Mr. Sun”

Animal Yoga

Book:  I Got the Rhythm / Connie Schofield-Morrison, illustrated by Frank Morrison

Scarves Song:  “Be a Clown” (Track #12 Musical Scarves and Activities / Georgiana Stewart)

Shakers Song:  “I Can Shake My Shaker Egg” (Track #10 Rockin’ Red / Eric Litwin)

Song:  “Gong Song” (Track #6 Jim Gill’s Irrational Anthem)

Book:  Old MacDonald Things That Go / Jane Clarke, illustrated by Migy Blanco

Song:  “You Are My Sunshine” (Track #37 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Closing Song:  “Goodbye Song” (Track #38 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Fall 2017 Music & Movement Storytime
Week Thirteen:  11-29-17

Opening Song:  “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” with ribbons (Track #2 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (Track #6 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Rhyme:  “Mr. Sun”

Animal Yoga

Book:  Hooray for Birds! / Lucy Cousins

Scarves Song:  “Circus Parade” (Track #13 Musical Scarves and Activities / Georgiana Stewart)

Shakers Song:  “Goin’ to Kentucky” (Track #10 Baloney! / Miss Carole)

Song:  “Bubbles” (Track #7 Superhero / Laurie Berkner Band)

Book:  Old MacDonald Things That Go / Jane Clarke, illustrated by Migy Blanco

Song:  “You Are My Sunshine” (Track #37 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Closing Song:  “Goodbye Song” (Track #38 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Fall 2017 Preschool Storytime: Weeks Twelve & Thirteen 11-21-17 & 11-28-17

Last week got away from me!  Posting for two weeks of storytimes.  I can't believe our fall session comes to an end this week.  We've had so much fun and have learned so much.  Our weekly math skills were also popular with the families, with many of them saying they've been practicing at home as well!  Hooray!  Now we take off the month of December (although we're still doing a million other things) to prep the next round of storytimes.

Fall 2017 Preschool Storytime
Week Twelve:  November 21, 2017

Opening Song:  “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Rhyme:  “Oh Mr. Sun” (2x)

Mother Goose Rhyme:  “Ants Go Marching” (Track #3 Mother Goose Rocks volume 5)

Letter of the Day

Book:  The Great Aaa-Ooh! / Jonny Lambert

Song:  “List of Dances” (Track #1 Jim Gill Makes it Noisy in Boise, Idaho)

Math Topic of the Day:  Graphing and Comparing

Math Book:  How Big Were the Dinosaurs? / Bernard Most

Math Activity:  Graphing how many girls vs. boys and graphing ages of kids

Song:  “B-Banana, Monkey See Monkey Do” (Track #11 Stinky Cake / Carole Peterson)

Book:  Toad on the Road:  A Cautionary Tale / Stephen Shaskan

Song:  “I Know a Chicken” (Track #11 Whaddya Think of That / Laurie Berkner)

Closing Song:  “Happy Trails” (Track #21 Fun the Sun disc two)
Goodbye Rhyme:  “Open Shut Them”

Fall 2017 Preschool Storytime
Week Thirteen:  November 28, 2017

Opening Song:  “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Rhyme:  “Oh Mr. Sun” (2x)

Mother Goose Rhyme:  “Rub a Dub Dub” (Track #1 Mother Goose Rocks vol 1)

Letter of the Day

Book:  Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs / Mo Willems

Song:  “Wishy Washy Washerwoman” (Track #9 Baloney! / Miss Carole)

Math Topic of the Day:  Sorting

Math Book:  Rah, Rah, Radishes! / April Pulley Sayre

Math Activity:  Sorting cotton balls in tubes

Song:  “Sticks on the Move” (Track #12 Rhythm Sticks Rock)

Book:  The Big Ideas of Buster Bickles / Dave Wasson

Song:  “I Know a Chicken” (Track #11 Whaddya Think of That? / Laurie Berkner)

Closing Song:  “Happy Trails” (Track #21 Fun the Sun disc two)

Goodbye Rhyme:  “Open Shut Them”