My return to Tuesday night storytime, A.K.A. Tuesday night cardio was a lot of fun. We had a great time. It was definitely high energy, and the kiddos were adorable. I had one of my after school students with me as a helper, and she read a pop-up book with animals including a lion. I pretended to be scared and asked the kiddos to help protect me. This resulted in a big group hug/moshpit. :)
27, 2018
Opening Song: “Open Shut Them” (Track #13 Songs for Wiggleworms)
Song: “This Old Man” (Track #14 Songs for Wiggleworms)
Song: "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" (Track #2 Songs for Wiggleworms)
Ribbon Rhyme: “Elevator Song”
Transition Rhyme: “If You’re Ready For a Book”
Book: I’m a
Shark / Bob Shea
“I Can Wiggle” (Track #2 30 Toddler Songs)
Scarf Activity: “Popcorn Kernels”
Book: Old
Black Fly / Jim Aylesworth, illustrated by Stephen Gammell
Shaker Song: “Milkshake” (Track #18 Songs for Wiggleworms)
Book: Face to Face Safari: Beware! Giant Pop-up Animals Inside! / Sally Hewitt, illustrations by Chris Gilvan-Cartwright
Parachute: “1, 2, 3 Whee!” (Track #4 Groovy
Green / Eric Litwin)
Closing Song: “Shake My Sillies Out” (Track #1 Fun in the Sun disc 2)
Stamps and Stickers