Wednesday, May 17, 2017

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Everyone thinks that Christmastime is the most wonderful time of the year, but I am here to tell you that it is Summer Reading time! Okay maybe not to most people, but definitely for children's librarians. I've been spending the better part of this month so far visiting schools to talk about our upcoming summer reading game and summer programs. We are on "break" from storytimes, but the month of May is probably the busiest one of all. I would estimate that I have talked to between 1500-2000 kids in schools throughout my area. I can tell you anything and everything about summer reading, the summer slide, and summer programs. I probably even do my pitches in my sleep, although I would have to get confirmation from my husband about that one! I am probably more caffeinated than usual these days, but I could probably function just as well without it (WHAT?!?!?) because I am running on a combination of adrenaline and kid excitement. I love, love, love going on school visits. After storytimes, it is my next favorite thing about my job. Way back when I was at the crossroads of deciding which grad school path to take, library science or education, I went my library route because I thought it would be the best of both worlds. This has been proven true, at least in my experience. In 11 years of being a children's librarian, I have gone on countless school visits, but this year has been the best one yet. It's the first time doing summer reading visits in my new branch so I have been extra pumped. The kids have been amazing and are so enthusiastic about reading. It's awesome. I've even seen unbridled enthusiasm in my 5th graders which gives me hope that they won't turn into jaded middle schoolers who think reading isn't cool over the summer. I desperately want to plead with them to stay as awesome as they currently are and not find me uncool or worse, an evil librarian in three months. The transition to middle school is a whole other topic I could talk about about... Anyway, my kiddos have been so psyched about reading and coming to the library this summer which fuels me like no other. This round of visits has totally reaffirmed my life choice of going to library school and completely confirms that this is what I was born to do. That's a definite bonus. I've had parents ask me how to get kids excited about reading, and my answer is always the same. You have to be excited about it first. Kids have a strong BS detector. They know when adults are not being genuine, authentic, or worse...faking excitement. If you are one of those adults who isn't excited, the first step is to talk to a librarian and let them help you find your soulmate book, the book that connects with you and gets you excited. From there, it'll be a breeze. Plus you will WANT to help your child find their soulmate book and connect with their love of reading. The summer reading game adds an element of fun to reading that provides an incentive for reading. Prizes always make everything better. I gave all the kids homework assignments to sign up for the game and come visit me at the library this summer, and so many have already done both! I love it! The energy is so high and so positive during the summer. That's why I make the case that it is the new most wonderful time of the year. I should write songs about it!

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