Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Spring 2018 Music & Movement Storytime: Week One 3-7-18

I'm shaking up Music & Movement for the spring storytime session!  I'm changing around the format a bit to include more music and movement at the beginning of the program and featuring the book more towards the end.  I figure at the beginning they'll have a lot more wiggles, giggles, and movement to get out and at the end they'll be more likely to sit for the story!  This time around in storytime we are also adding just about everything that I have in my storytime supply closet, shakers, ribbons, scarves, parachute, and puppets.   If possible, I think I am going more high octane than ever before.  The timing and flow seemed to work really well this morning, and everyone had a great time.  I also had an awesome helper for this first program.  This week we have a high school junior who is completing a career shadowing project.  She's interested in working in libraries and had the chance to get involved in storytime.  The kids loved her and I already know they'll be asking about her next week.  I told her she needs to get special permission to skip school and come to the library.  Her teacher and school librarian happens to be my college roommate, so I'm thinking I can make this happen!  We had a great variety in ages as well as in caregivers.  I have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, babysitters, and nannies bringing little ones to storytime, and this particular group of adults happens to be incredible at participating which isn't always the case.  It's going to be a great session!

Spring 2018 Music & Movement Storytime
Week One:  3-7-18

Opening Song:  “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (Track #6 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Rhyme:  “We Clap and Sing Hello!”

Ribbon Rhyme:  “The Elevator Song”

Yoga Activity:  “Candle Breath” Breathe Like a Bear / Kira Willey, illustrated by Anni Betts

Shaker Song/Rhyme:  “Goin’ to Kentucky” (Track #10 Baloney! / Carole Peterson)

Scarf Song/Rhyme:  “Popcorn Kernels”

Transition Rhyme:  “If You’d Like to Read a Book”

Book:  Chicka Chicka Boom Boom / Bill Martin Jr. and John Archambault, illustrated by Lois Ehlert

Nursery Rhyme of the Day:  “Five Little Monkeys”

Activity:  Kaboom game

Song:  “Open Shut Them” (Track #7 Early Childhood Classics / Hap Palmer)

Parachute Activity

Closing Rhyme:  “Thanks For Coming”

Closing Song:  “Goodbye” (Track #38 Songs for Wiggleworms)

If You'd Like to Read a Book rhyme:  To the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It

If you'd like to read a book, clap your hands.
If you'd like to read a book, clap your hands.
If you'd like to read a book, listen up and take a look.
If you'd like to read a book, clap your hands.

Thanks For Coming rhyme:  To the tune of Clementine

Thanks for sitting.
Thanks for listening.
Thanks for coming here today.
Now that storytime is over,
Hope you have a lovely day!

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