Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fall 2019 Preschool Storytime: Week Two 9/10/19

I am continuing what has now become a Fall storytime tradition of jumping in piles of construction paper leaves.  Can't go wrong with a fun activity with built-in cleanup!  Today we also read one of my favorite picture books, Unicorn Thinks He's Pretty Great by Bob Shea.  Somehow I inadvertently planned an all Bob Shea storytime which is definitely not a bad thing!  Next week we read the unicorn sequel!

Fall 2019 Preschool Storytime
Week Two:  9/10/19

Opening Song:  “So Nice to Be Here” (Track #3 Sing It Say It Stamp It Sway It / Peter Allard & Ellen Allard)

Rhyme:  “All Around the Apple Tree” (Kids pick apples out of the basket and then we come up with a rhyming word.)

Rhyme:  “If You’re Ready for a Book”

Book:  Unicorn Thinks He’s Pretty Great / Bob Shea

Song:  “Wiggledy Woo” (Track #2 Outrageous Orange / Eric Litwin)

Color words matching

Book:  Cheetah Can’t Lose / Bob Shea

Rhyme:  “Leaves of the Trees” (Kids dance and jump in the “leaves” then rake them.  Do 2x)

Nursery Rhyme Sticks or Wiggleworms

Book:  The Happiest Book Ever! / Bob Shea

Song:  “Drive My Car” (Track #18 The Ultimate Laurie Berkner Band Collection)

Shaker Song:  “Milkshake” (Track #18 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Closing Song:  “Goodbye, Goodbye” (Track #13 I’m a Rock Star / Joanie Leeds)

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