Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Future letters

Here's a fun little activity for all of us to do during these crazy times. Write a letter to your future self. This is something that my very first library manager got me into. Periodically she would encourage me to write something down, especially if things were rough or challenging. She would seal it and keep it until she would give it to me sometime in the future so I could see how I overcame obstacles. Oh, Melanie! I adore you! You were the best boss and mentor, but shhhh don't tell the others! I did this with a group of kids in a writing workshop last year. It has almost been a year, and I still have the letters that kids wanted me to keep and hold on to. I am sure they will be very interesting to read, and I definitely plan on encouraging them to write new ones to open next September! It doesn't have to be set aside for any particular amount of time. Melanie liked to surprise me with them! This might be a fun activity to do as a family. Maybe you could also put together some kind of time capsule with things to remind you of all the changes and adjustments. I look forward to the day that we can all look BACK on this and not be IN this. I have continued the habit that Melanie started in me many years ago. Just the other day I found one while cleaning out drawers in my office. I had written it right after I started at my current branch over four years ago. It's crazy to see how much has changed, but also good to see how much I have grown. So get out some pens and paper and get writing. Trust me, it will be worth it down the road!

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