I don't know if you realize this, but there are a lot of food themed picture books out there. You could even do a theme on breakfast food alone. I actually had a program planned for last May that was sadly cancelled due to the pandemic. It was a whole breakfast for dinner program where we were going to read a couple books and then make some of the food we read about. Oh I was so excited. I had other cooking programs scheduled for the books Secret Pizza Party and The Great Pasta Escape that were sadly cancelled as well. One day I will make these programs happen. There were some book & cook programs that I did get to lead before the madness began. I led a program for the book Growing Vegetable Soup and one based on Dragons Love Tacos and Dragons Love Tacos 2. Those were a blast! You could absolutely read these books together and get cooking in the kitchen. Things like pizza, pasta, pancakes, and cupcakes are all very kid friendly and fun to make. Let me introduce you to some of my favorite food themed picture books and encourage you to create some yumminess together!
Dragons Love Tacos and Dragons Love Tacos 2 The Sequel / By Adam Rubin, illustrated by Daniel Salmieri

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