Wednesday, March 28, 2018

A new storytime adventure A.K.A. Toddler-Preschool Storytime

So one of my staff members had to make some tweaks to her schedule for the next couple of months, and that has resulted in a storytime switch-up!  She's taking over some of my morning preschool storytimes, and I am taking over some of her evening toddler-preschool storytimes.  It's a bit of a trip down memory lane for me.  For ten years I did Tuesday evening family storytime programs.  After two years of morning programs, I almost forgot about the very different dynamic of an evening program.  It's more of a mixed bag in terms of behavior.  Some kids are still chock full of energy, some are getting sleepy, and some have just had it and start melting down.  The best way to prep is to be ready for anything, expect the unexpected, and be flexible.  Some nights they want to hear a bunch of stories and some nights you may find yourself just dancing and singing your way through.

My return to Tuesday night storytime, A.K.A. Tuesday night cardio was a lot of fun.  We had a great time.  It was definitely high energy, and the kiddos were adorable.  I had one of my after school students with me as a helper, and she read a pop-up book with animals including a lion.  I pretended to be scared and asked the kiddos to help protect me.  This resulted in a big group hug/moshpit. :)

Toddler/Preschool Storytime
March 27, 2018

Opening Song:  “Open Shut Them” (Track #13 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “This Old Man” (Track #14 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" (Track #2 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Ribbon Rhyme:  “Elevator Song”

Transition Rhyme:  “If You’re Ready For a Book”

Book:  I’m a Shark / Bob Shea

Song:  “I Can Wiggle” (Track #2 30 Toddler Songs)

Scarf Activity:  “Popcorn Kernels”

Book:  Old Black Fly / Jim Aylesworth, illustrated by Stephen Gammell

Shaker Song:  “Milkshake” (Track #18 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Interactive Song:  “The Bunny Hokey Pokey (

Book:  Face to Face Safari:  Beware!  Giant Pop-up Animals Inside! / Sally Hewitt, illustrations by Chris Gilvan-Cartwright

Parachute:  “1, 2, 3 Whee!”  (Track #4 Groovy Green / Eric Litwin)

Closing Song:  “Shake My Sillies Out” (Track #1 Fun in the Sun disc 2)

Stamps and Stickers

Spring 2018 Music & Movement Storytime: Weeks Three 3-21-18 and Four 3-28-18

Playing catch up with posting these!  It's been a busy couple of weeks here in library land!

Spring 2018 Music & Movement Storytime
Week Three:  3-21-18

Opening Song:  “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (Track #6 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Rhyme:  “We Clap and Sing Hello!”

Ribbon Rhyme:  “The Elevator Song”

Yoga Activity:  “Flower Breath” Breathe Like a Bear / Kira Willey, illustrated by Anni Betts

Shaker Song/Rhyme:  “Shaker Hop” (Track #14 Dancing Feet / Carole Peterson)

Scarf Song/Rhyme:  “Popcorn Kernels”

Transition Rhyme:  “If You’d Like to Read a Book”

Book:  Five Little Ducks / illustrated by Ivan Bates

Nursery Rhyme of the Day:  “Peas Porridge Hot”

Activity:  Kaboom game

Song:  “Day O’Time to Go Home” (Track #8 #1 Best Kids Songs / The Learning Station)

Closing Rhyme:  “Thanks For Coming”

Closing Song:  “Goodbye” (Track #38 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Spring 2018 Music & Movement Storytime
Week Four:  3-28-18

Opening Song:  “Good Morning” (Track #1 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Song:  “If You’re Happy and You Know It” (Track #6 Songs for Wiggleworms)

Rhyme:  “We Clap and Sing Hello!”

Ribbon Rhyme:  “The Elevator Song”

Yoga Activity:  “Count to Five” Breathe Like a Bear / Kira Willey, illustrated by Anni Betts

Shaker Song/Rhyme:  “I Can Shake My Shaker Egg” (Track #10 Rockin’ Red / Eric Litwin)

Scarf Song/Rhyme:  “Popcorn Kernels”

Transition Rhyme:  “If You’d Like to Read a Book”

Book:  Penguin Cha-Cha / Kristi Valiant

Nursery Rhyme of the Day:  “Itsy Bitsy Spider” (Track #17 Laurie Berkner Childhood Classics disc 1 / Laurie Berkner Band)

Activity:  Kaboom game

Song:  “I’m a Little Teapot” (Track #3 Early Childhood Classics / Hap Palmer)


Closing Rhyme:  “Thanks For Coming”

Closing Song:  “Goodbye” (Track #38 Songs for Wiggleworms)