Thursday, December 21, 2017

Storytimes are coming soon...

I am on a mission.  I am currently working on storytimes for Winter 2018 (seriously, 2018?!?!?!), and I am PSYCHED!!!  I am revamping formats, switching up songs, and adding a game called KABOOM!  It's going to be awesome!  Seeing the success of Old MacDonald Things That Go in Music & Movement this Fall, I am going to continue to do the whole read a little bit of the book each week thing in Winter.  I'm a little nervous because I am going to be using a new book.  Hopefully I won't have a full on toddler/preschool revolt because they were waaaayyyy into Old MacDonald.  The new book was a suggestion by one of my storytime moms.  She raved.  I checked it out.  It's amazeballs.  I would tell you, but I want to keep it a surprise.  One little tidbit though.  It's a twist on classic nursery rhymes.  For preschool storytime, I am still planning on including math activities in the program, although maybe not quite as structured.  Plus I want to open it up to the families and see if they have any stories or suggestions about things that they may be doing at home.  I'm also going to open it up and give the families a little more say in the content of the program.  Years ago at my old branch I came up with a series called You Decide Storytime.  I had asked families for suggestions for favorite books, favorite songs, favorite games, and other things they would want to see in storytime.  I gathered a cart of books and stack of CDs and pulled all my props, puppets, and accessories out of the closet.  To figure out what we would read, sing, and do we would roll dice, spin wheels, pull things from hats, bags, envelopes, etc.  It was an absolute BLAST!  I've been wanting to do that again for several years now, and I'm thinking it might be something good for SPRING.  So I want to start laying the groundwork during the Winter session.  People really enjoyed being able to share their favorites and come up with new ideas.  I think my families will really love it.  My preschoolers are a very opinionated group who aren't afraid to share!  I need to use that to my advantage!

Fun and exciting things are on the horizon in 2018!  Woohoo!

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