Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Miss Jen's Favorite Things: Children's & YA Strong, Sassy, and Self-Reliant Female Characters

This one goes out to determined, hardcore, rock star female characters that are not at all afraid of what other people think, who believe in themselves, and even have a little bit of badass within!  They can hold their own in just about any situation.  Who are your favorite female characters?

Harry Potter #Girlbosses

I have five female characters in the Harry Potter series that totally fit the bill, and I am daring to rank them in order. Now I will freely admit that my decision was heavily influenced by the movies in addition to how they were portrayed in the books.  All of these women were strong and fearless, willing to face danger to protect the people they love, with Mrs. Weasley being the biggest Mama Bear there ever was.

  • Mrs. Weasley
  • Professor McGonagall
  • Hermione Granger
  • Nymphadora Tonks
  • Ginny Weasley


The Members of the Baby Sitters Club

Okay, so you could really argue for all of the girls in The Baby Sitter's Club series because they all in their own way brought some serious girl power to the table, but I have my favorite.  You might automatically say Kristy, but I am going to say that Claudia takes the number one spot for me.  Her daring fashion choices alone set her apart, but she also faced a lot of adversity.  I would even have to give little sister, Karen some props for being well on her way to taking over the world!


Cassie Hobbs - The Naturals series

Cassie is awesome at being able to read people, even with the tiniest of details.  She is recruited along with some other teens with extraordinary abilities to help the FBI solve cold cases.  This is an awesome young adult/teen series that I highly recommend, especially if you like crime thrillers.

Felicity Montague - The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy, The Montague Siblings series

You meet Felicity in the first book of the series.  She is the younger sister of the main character and is a bit on the fringes at first, but you really get to know her in the second book.  She is the epitome of a total badass who wants to be a doctor during a time when it was unheard of for a woman to even be considered a possibility for attending medical school.  I mean, she did on the fly surgery in the middle of battle, for goodness sake!

Katniss Everdeen - The Hunger Games trilogy

From the moment she first volunteered to take the place of her younger sister and face almost certain death, you knew Katniss wasn't about to take anything from anyone.  She defines what it is to be a survivor and is willing to stand up for what she believes in.

Cinder - The Lunar Chronicles series

This is a retelling of sorts of Cinderella except in this case Cinder is a cyborg!  Now I am not normally a fan of the sci-fi genre, but if you give me a strong character with a great backstory, I will read every single book in the darn series.  Her past is a mystery that slowly develops and is totally worth the wait.

Pippi - Pippi Longstocking

Now every time I hear Pippi Longstocking or someone requests the book, I 100% think of the episode of Gilmore Girls where Lorelai and Rory watch the movie with their boyfriends and are absolutely fascinated with her.  This character would totally be someone that these two would idolize!  Beyond her crazy and wild hair and sense of style, she literally has no one to tell her what to do and adventures follow her wherever she goes.  She is a true free spirit.  I loved this book as a kid and still do today.

Blue Sargent - The Raven Cycle series

Blue comes from a clairvoyant family and grew up being warned that she will cause her true love to die.  Her own powers come to fruition when she begins to see the soon to be dead walk by in her visions and is soon drawn to a boy from a local private school who is on a bit of a personal quest.  She gets pulled into his world as well as that of his friends, The Raven Boys and finds dangerous adventures ahead.

Honorable Mentions

  • Penryn Young - Angelfall (Penryn and the End of Days series)
  • Daisy Goodnight - Spirit and Dust (The Goodnight Family series book 2)
  • Vivian Apple - Vivian Apple at the End of the World & Vivian Apple Needs a Miracle
  • Alaska Young - Looking for Alaska
  • Meg Murry - A Wrinkle in Time
  • India Opal Buloni - Because of Winn-Dixie
  • Claudia Kincaid - From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
  • Jessica Wakefield - Sweet Valley Twins & Sweet Valley High series

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